Monitoring bashtop as a Python application: bpytop

What is bpytop?

bpytop is a resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, reminiscence, disks, structure and processes.

Under the mention bpytop, bashtop appears for the first time as a Python application, which is now available in version 1.0.0. With the program, users can monitor the performance of a arrangement, for example the processor and its cores, the main retention, the mass storage and the network traffic, but it also directories processes.

Monitoring with prepares menu and mouse

In bpytop there is a menu through which the subscribers can making such a establisheds. Furthermore, the lotion is likely to be influenced with the mouse, clickable buttons highlight it and the process list can also be steered with the move rotation. All serves and missing boasts from bashtop can also be found in bpytop.

If you already use a topic for bashtop, you can also use it in bpytop without reforms. The developer of the port is also responsible for bashtop himself. As motivation for the Python program, he states the lower CPU utilization and the faster reactions of the application.

bpytop features

Easy to use, with video games invigorated menu organization.


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